Thursday 25 July 2013


This weeks poem is "Perseus", another short piece I composed roughly a month ago. The genesis of the poem is a news story from Turkey I found online about a woman killing and subsequently beheading a man that had been abusing her for some time. Despite the graphic nature of this story, it seems to me that this Turkish woman is extremely brave and the story immediately brought to mind  parrellels with the story of Perseus, which I am familiar with from the 1981 film directed by Desmond Davis. Enjoy...
Those startled faces in the coffee house,
They only know the man at Halloween
Whose head is separate from his body.
Careless with his reflection,
And now at the butcher's back gate
A gray mongrel appraises
The dissembled corpse of Perseus.
Pitched in to the centre of the square:
A man’s head, pissing blood,
Pregnant like my belly.

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